Use this form to submit your deal!
Deal Criteria
Please ensure you meet the criteria before submitting a form!
- Minimum sale price above $20,000/parcel
- Preference for infill lots in established neighborhoods
- Verifiable comparable sales nearby
- Submission form completely filled out
- No Daisy Chains (assignment deal from other wholesalers you are attempting to assign to us or partner on)
Mason and Dan have completed joint ventures together, are co-hosts of their podcast The Big Picture Blueprint, and have a proven track record in their individual businesses as well as doing business together.
Basic Joint Venture Structure
- Land Acquisition partner assigns contract to GroundUp
- GroundUp provides all capital to close the deal
- 50/50 profit split
- GroundUp receives a minimum of 20% cash on cash return
Mason McDonald

Mason McDonald is a former hospital executive who transitioned into a full-time real estate investor. Before establishing his own real estate investment companies, Mason held various hospital executive positions with responsibilities encompassing total financial and operational control of budgets exceeding $100,000,000 in annual revenue and oversight of capital expenditure projects exceeding $30,000,000.
Mason leverages his experience to run a successful land acquisition and development business that in a two-year period, has completed nearly 100 land transactions in multiple markets across the western United States.
Dan Haberkost

Dan Haberkost’s first foray into real estate was at 16 when he was managing a portfolio of rental properties for his boss at the time. Dan started his own investing journey at 21 when he purchased his first rental property while still in college.
From there, Dan has continued to buy more rental real estate while simultaneously building a land & development business, Front Range Land LLC. Via FRL, Dan has bought, sold, and built on hundreds of pieces of land across the country which has given him unique insight into the land business in dozens of different markets.
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